Heart Valve Clinic

At the Heart Valve Clinic, located inside the University Tower, SLUCare Physician Group cardiovascular specialists take a team approach to care. Together, the doctors evaluate, diagnose and offer treatment recommendations for patients.

This approach brings different perspectives to the treatment of valve disease, so we can offer patients options. While valve replacement surgery may be right for one patient, valve repair may work for another. In other cases, medication and lifestyle changes may be all that's needed. Our goal is to include the patient in all treatment decisions and give them a voice in their care.

Some patients with valve disease experience other heart problems, such as atrial fibrillation (also known as AF or AFib). At the Heart Valve Clinic, doctors are able to treat valve disease and AFib simultaneously, which produces better outcomes for some patients. Options include a technique called hybrid maze — a procedure for AFib patients that merges the benefits of traditional maze surgery with minimally invasive instrumentation, allowing for faster recovery with less postoperative pain. The procedure reduces the risk of stroke, reduces reliance on anticoagulants, and avoids risks associated with open-heart surgery.

The Heart Valve Clinic coordinates patient care in other ways, as well, including:

  • On-site diagnostics, such as echocardiograms and exercise testing
  • On-site cardiac rehabilitation gym
  • Nurse coordinator to help patients navigate tests, procedures and follow-up care
  • Screening of family members for genetic heart valve disease

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