Skin Cancer and Melanoma Clinic

Offering Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment for All Types of Skin Cancer

SLUCare Physician Group Dermatology offers expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of all types of skin cancer, including squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma and melanoma.

Our fellowship-trained dermatologist performs in-office procedures under local anesthesia, including Mohs surgery – an outpatient treatment for basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas, boasting a 98% cure rate. For melanoma, we offer surgical excision (removal) and slow Mohs treatment (staged surgical removal), depending on the depth and location of the cancer.

Tailored Care for Your Type of Skin Cancer

In the SLUCare Skin Cancer and Melanoma Clinic, your treatment plan is customized to your specific type and stage of cancer. Early-stage skin cancers may be effectively eliminated through surgical removal. Later-stage cancers – those that have spread beyond the skin to other areas, such as the lymph nodes – may require both surgery and additional support from other SLUCare specialists: surgical oncologists, medical oncologists, head and neck surgeons, plastic surgeons, or radiation oncologists.

Our dermatologists work collaboratively with specialists across our academic medical practice to develop and coordinate your treatment plan.

Look for Signs of Trouble

Spotting Melanoma

It’s important to regularly check your skin for new spots, spots that itch or bleed, or changes in the appearance of moles.

When looking at moles, remember the ABCDE signs of melanoma:

A – Asymmetrical shape
B – Uneven border
C – Color variations
D – Diameter greater than a pencil eraser
E – Evolving in size, shape or color

The American Academy of Dermatology provides a guide to spotting melanoma and performing skin self-exams. View mole types on AAD site.

Schedule an exam with a SLUCare dermatologist.

SLUCare Skin Cancer and Melanoma Locations

Des Peres Medical Arts Pavilion II
2315 Dougherty Ferry Road, Suite 200
St. Louis, MO 63122

Get directions to Des Peres Medical Arts Pavilion II

Center for Specialized Medicine
1225 South Grand
St. Louis, MO 63104

Get directions to Center for Specialized Medicine

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